Saturday, February 5, 2011

It's February 2011!

Wow, I just got back in here and realized that I hadn't posted anything since August 2010.
Well the end of 2010 was interesting to say the least.
Mick has come home several times, we really enjoy her when she's here and our relationship is getting so much better. I am so proud of her for all the things she's doing in Rochester, accademically she's done quite well and she is holding a part time job and managing her money very well, I am very impressed and I am enjoying watching her come into her own person and walking through life.
Kristina graduated from Clemson in December, and it was a great accomplishment. We are very proud of her! now it's on to Grad School! Also a very long relationship came to an end and although it was very sad, I think it was what God wanted and now she has an opportunity to enjoy new relationships and hopefully find the man that God has prepared for her to spend the rest of her life with. That's my prayer anyway.
Jenny became a disciple in August and what a joy it has been to watch her grow into an awesome teen disciple.
Ashley got her permanent license and is doing very well, she's such a responsible young lady! Both Ash and Jen are doing well in school and life in general, I am so proud and thankful that God has blessed me with such incredible daughters. Thank you Father!
David and I are doing quite well, actually probably the best we ever have been in our marriage, I thank God for always taking care of us.
Work is going well for me and also for David, he loves working for the City, I on the other hand I am always convinced that corporate america is not for me! I like what I'm doing now, but dealing with people who compete to get to the top and step on others to get ahead, hurts me to watch. I'm not trying to make it to the top where I am, I'm just wanting to help people. I have stepped back in a major way in my Mary Kay business and know that this is really where my heart is. So it's back to the drawing board for me with my business and time to get serious about building it.
I pray that God will guide my steps and take me where He will!
Well til the next time.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Summer went by in the blink of an eye

So, June, July and now August, just flew by.
Kris and Mick went back to school last week, Ash and Jen start school next week.
After months of my business being slow, I feel hopeful that with the start of school and begining of Fall, things will get better.
I am loving spending time with David and being able to watch my girls grow.
So now just waiting to get started on my day on Saturday and it's almost noon!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Micky has been home for almost a week

So Michelle has been here for almost a week, it has been a nice visit!
She goes back tomorrow and I have so many things to do, I won't get to spend too much time with her before she goes. I haven't really gotten to spend too much time with her anyway, but we did get to go shopping for some things for her house and for some clothes! that was fun!
I miss the kid, she's funny. We had a house full of teens and campus kids last night and she came home and jumped right into playing WII Rockband, it was fun watching her, even if I was buzy playing Nertz with Timmy, Jenny, Lindsey, Casey and Ashley! It was fun!
Well, we're off to go pick up Jenny from Rock Hill, she is in a play.

Monday, May 31, 2010

So today is the end of May, I am working on closing the month. Realizing that sometimes when you lead people, you have to get in front and lead ahead of them. You can't take somebody with you that you have to drag or pull. It amazes me to know that people want so much but are willing to do so little to get what they want and how we are willing to work so hard for someone else but we don't put the same effort when we are building our own business.
A long time ago, before David and I were married, he said something to me that I resented for many years but now it makes so much sense. He said "You can have anything you want as long as you are willing to work for it", we have raised our daughters with that phylosophy and thankfully they have all grown up to be very willing to work for what they want.
I am looking forward to growing my personal business and looking for women who aren't afraid to put in the effort that it takes to start and grow a business.
I am thankful to God for all the opportunities that He has put in front of me, but most of all, I am grateful for my family and the awesome women who up until now have blessed my life by being part of it.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

So, tomorrow David and I are going to our favorite get away spot. Echo Lodge Inn in Hendersonville. Looking forward to sleeping, resting and spending some great time with the love of my life!

Realizing things

You would think that after being a part of a family for over 30 years, some people would accept the fact that we are all people, no matter what race, color of our skin, or where we come from.
Ignorance doesn't escape even some of the best families.... oh well.... it doesn't escapes mine either, but it hurts.